Talk by Professor Lalitha Kamath

Talk by Professor Lalitha Kamath

“Dushkal Temporalities: Reframing Time in Planning for the Climate Crisis”

A Talk by Lalitha Kamath, Professor, Centre for Urban Policy & Governance, School of Habitat Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai; CASI Spring 2025 Visiting Scholar

Thursday, February 27, 2025 - 12:00

Location: Center for the Advanced Study of India Ronald O. Perelman Center for Political Science & Economics 133 South 36th Street, Suite 230 Philadelphia PA 19104-6215

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Conversation with Professor Elizabeth Povinelli

Conversation with Professor Elizabeth Povinelli

Suggested readings:

  • Kyle Whyte "Indigenous Science (Fiction) for the Anthropocene" Environment and Planning E

  • Zoe Todd, "Fish, Kin, Hope" Afterall

  • Elizabeth Povinelli, The Wasted Earth: Excess, Superabundance, and Sludge.” eflux journal #129

Rm 419, Penn Museum

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<span class="sqsrte-text-color--black">2024 Penn EnviroLab Graduate Conference</span>
to Mar 23

2024 Penn EnviroLab Graduate Conference

Penn EnviroLab’s interdisciplinary graduate conference will gather a community of graduate students and faculty from March 22-23, 2024 to consider how (and what modes of) elemental thinking can inform our work across varying matters and geographies of concern.

Register here.

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Muddy Waters: Reimagining Futures in Wet Asia

Muddy Waters: Reimagining Futures in Wet Asia

Today, anthropogenic climate change — cyclones, floods, and storm surges permeate and punctuate the regularity of everyday life in much of South and Southeast Asia. The catastrophic harms that are visited by these events are neither linear nor are they evenly distributed, but are a result of historic projects to manage, tame and regulate waters with the land-centric imaginaries of colonial and postcolonial states. Rather than approach questions of design and history with dry ground at the center, Nikhil Anand (Penn Anthropology), Prasenjit Duara (Duke History), Maira Hayat (Notre Dame Kroc Institute), and Marvi Mazhar (architect and researcher) think about the kinds of futures and histories that might be made thinking in and from the waterscapes (oceans, rivers and littoral regions) in which they have long worked.

Class of 1978 Orrery Pavilion, 6th floor
Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books, and Manuscripts
Van Pelt Library, 3420 Walnut Street

Registration and more information here.

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In Conversation with Andrea Ballestero and Radhika Govindrajan

In Conversation with Andrea Ballestero and Radhika Govindrajan

Dr. Andrea Ballestero (USC Anthropology) and Dr. Radhika Govindrajan (UW Anthropology) will join us for an informal conversation on the different horizons in environmental anthropology. We will use JP Brosius' "Anthropological Engagements with Environmentalism" (1999) as a point of departure to consider today's critical issues that anthropology should address in the production of future ethnographic accounts of environmentalism.

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Furrowed with fugitive memories: The Sea as Archive---A Discussion with Dr. Justin Dunnavant

Furrowed with fugitive memories: The Sea as Archive---A Discussion with Dr. Justin Dunnavant

The first EnviroLab meeting for the semester will be on 27th January, 2023, from 3 to 5 pm. We will have Dr. Justin Dunnavant telling us about his work on maroon geographies and countermapping. We will also workshop his work-in-progress piece titled "Dismantling(s): settler cosmotechnics and arts of closure on the Upper Mississippi River" during the meeting.

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Visit with Sophie Chao

At this public event, we will discuss Prof. Sophie Chao’s multimodal practice, as well as her recent books In the Shadow of the Palms and The Promise of Multispecies Justice

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